Spider Veins

Spider veins are small fan-shaped varicose veins on the skin, which occur particularly frequently in women. Spider veins are not considered a disease, but rather ask is a cosmetic problem. However, they can point to varicose veins or venous drainage disorders. In the beauty farm these are dealt with in very rare cases with leeches. Much more often come cooling treatments for Entstauungsgriffen. Use, with help of motion. Extensive changes in their daily work have jobs that are characterized by a lot of sedentary lifestyle, increased dramatically. Sedentary dominates our daily lives and caused the existing due to this lack modern civilization diseases.
Therefore, a regular, motion intensive training is recommended. The so-sponsored physical fitness has a preventative effect in terms of the whole organism. Spot species require many muscle groups ideally suited for endurance training. For this reason, more and more beauty farms through such active programs.
